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I Am A Chrysanthemum - 08.30.06

I am a Chrysanthemum, strong willed and ready for battle,
I wonder how long I will ride in the saddle.
I hear the strong wind as it pulls on my petals,
I see the enemy with all of its nettles.
I want to stand strong against the grazing cattle,
I am a Chrysanthemum, strong willed, and ready for battle.

I pretend I'm a warrior getting ready for war,
I feel the ground shake as the enemy approaches my door.
I touch my armor and get ready to fight,
I worry I won't be able to stand through the night.
I cry when it feels like my ship has lost its paddle,
I am a Chrysanthemum, strong willed, and ready for battle.

I understand that the world is full of hate,
I say that Satin tries to get us with his bait.
I dream that someday the sun will shine,
I try to remember the last time the rain was mine.
I hope for a time when I won't need to hide from the grazing cattle,
I am a Chrysanthemum, strong willed, and ready for battle.

- Kimberly H. G. (13 years old)


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