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Ballad of the Girl - 05.18.09

She came to this foreign land confused and completely friendless,
Happy faces all around her and opportunities endless.
A friend here, a friend there, things began to get better,
The outgoing, the lowly, and the exciting go-getters.
Over time a group was formed, four guys and her,
Each had their own personality and good friends they all were.
From the beginning two liked her as she began to like one,
Wasn't long 'til "they" became "we" their happiness never to be undone.
But then one fateful day a horrible injury the boy struck,
Through the struggle and the pain, they found their love was out of luck.
Enjoying each other at all times, happy they had been together,
Finding that though this true, they couldn't last all weather.
The second boy came forward then sweeping up her broken heart,
He sang her songs of how he loved her even from the very start.
She loved the second boy different from how she'd loved the first,
She felt they could make it through anything, even the very worst.
The girl saw many things, changing about them as time went on,
She found she must part with him as things were very wrong.
So the girl found herself, heartbroken and alone again,
As the first boy took his place beside her, to be a good friend.
Confused emotion filled the girl as she began to like him once more,
For awhile she had hated him, but now the first boy she does adore.
How she will bear it all, she hopes to find a way,
And so the dramatic life of a foreign girl continues on today.

- Kimberly H. G. (16 years old)


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